APRIL Logo with the words, "The United Voice  of Independent Living in Rural America."



Cover to Cover: Serving those Who Served Us

Audio Recording


Jennifer Morgan and Joey Allred

How IL Services and VA Benefits can enhance service delivery.

About a model of community agency and VA partnership.

Basic overview of VA Benefits.

Strategies on how to connect to your VA partners and get your Veteran clients connected.


Rich Text Format of Powerpoint



Inclusion of Veterans

Audio Recording


Mark Derry and Sarah Launderville

Veteran Subcommittee (NCIL/APRIL) CIL recent survey results.

Resources for working with veterans.

Examples of how CILs are including veterans.

Upcoming advocacy work.



Veterans In Agriculture

Audio Recording


Michael O’Gorman, Paul Jones, and Will Milzarski

What are some of the disability barriers and potential solutions for veterans interested in Agriculture?

What organizations and other resources are available to help veterans interested in Agriculture?

Options for veterans with disabilities to enter into farming.

How can farmer veteran coalition and its partners help?



Veterans and Returning Veterans, Dealing with their Unique Issues


William Milzarski, Steve Tovson, Karen Kraft


APRIL Annual Conference

The Doorway to Helping Rural Veterans


Jen Morgan and Rob Ferris

For Veterans in rural communities, learning about their VA benefits can be especially challenging. In 2013, Utah developed the COVER-to-COVER program "Connecting Older Veterans (Especially Rural) to Community Or Veteran Eligible Resources" to provide community based organizations, including Centers for Independent Living, VA and Veteran benefits training. The program found that many Veterans were already calling these agencies but rarely were conversations held around their service in the military or if they had ever connected to the VA for benefits. Learning how to navigate your local VA can help you and your Veteran consumers – Opening up MORE doors to benefit options. Rob Ferris, a Pre 911 Veteran, who served in the US Army will share the importance of understanding military culture and lingo. You will learn and be ready to navigate the VA system, improve screen protocols and understand military culture to better serve your Veteran consumers.

