APRIL Logo with the words, "The United Voice  of Independent Living in Rural America."

IL Conversation Sept. 24, 2015

Succeeding at Succession Planning

Presented by:
Paula McElwee, Technical Assistance Coordinator at IL-NET
Robert Hand, Executive Director at Resources for Independence Central Valley


Click here for transcript.

This topic will cover:
1. Plan now, before you need to. Who can take the reins, short or long term, if the ED cannot?
2. Implementing a plan; how to assure a smooth transition.
3. Don't stop planning when someone assumes the title. Almost everyone needs some information to handle the job. What info will you provide and how?
4. Looking for that long-term leader.

Handouts, Recording, and Transcript:


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Meet Your Presenters:
Paula L. McElwee - In 1979 Paula McElwee directed Link, Inc., based in Hays, Kansas, one of the first centers funded through the Rehabilitation Act . She worked in the disability field in Kansas for 25 years, and was appointed to three terms on the Statewide Independent Living Council of Kansas. In 2000 McElwee relocated to Fresno, California, where she served on the board of Resources for Independence of the Central Valley, a long-standing California Center. Since 2006 she has also served as interim executive director for four centers for independent living in California, assisting the boards to transition to their next executive director. In October, 2012, McElwee became Technical Assistance Coordinator with Independent Living Resource Utilization (ILRU) based in Houston, TX.

Robert Hand - Robert Hand is the Executive Director of Resources for Independence Central Valley in Fresno. Robert is the founder and facilitator of the Central Valley Coalition for Human Services, the Immediate Past Chair of the City of Fresno Disability Advisory Commission and Chairman of the Board of the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers. Robert has co-written several training manuals on various aspects of nonprofit leadership, including “Leaders Without Limits”, and provides consulting services for CILs. He was appointed by the Governor to the State Rehabilitation Council (where he is the Chair), and the State Independent Living Council (past member). He was also appointed to the California Olmstead Committee where he co-chairs the Housing Subcommittee. Robert has worked in nonprofit corporations for over 40 years, including being the CEO of nonprofits for over 30 years. He has a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and has been an Adjunct Instructor at Fresno State in nonprofit management.

For more information contact:
Mary Olson
APRIL Director of Training and Technical Assistance
APRIL and the IL-NET
52 Corbin Hall
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59801
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PRESENTED BY CIL-NET:This IL Conversation is presented by the CIL-NET, a national training and technical assistance program of Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU), and was organized and facilitated by APRIL.

"Support is provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living. No official endorsement of the Department of Health and Human Services should be inferred. The CIL-NET is a part of the IL-NET national training and technical assistance project (90TT0001-01-00) for centers for independent living and statewide independent living councils." IL Conversations originated with the University of Arkansas, CURRENTS.