Welcome to the 30th Annual APRIL CONFERENCE 

Community Living Skills: Disability Identity

Amy Lariviere


Session Overview:

This session can help participants understand disability and some of the shared experiences they may have. It will help participants reflect on their unique and personal identity story. Identifying as a person with a disability does not have to be negative; it can be a step towards taking back power to make choices and lead the life participants want to lead.


Additional Material for this Session:


About Your Presenter:

Amy Lariviere 

Amy “Lala” Lariviere works as a Training Associate for the RTC: RURAL at the Rural Institute for Inclusive communities. She has a BA degree from Northern Michigan University in theatre performance. As a theatre educator for over 20 years, she is excited to bring her education background to her new position as Training Associate for the Healthy Community Living program suite including Living Well in the Community, Community Living Skills and the Facilitating Groups Training. Amy is originally from Detroit, Michigan area but has now lived in Missoula for almost 15 years. She enjoys theatre, live music, gardening and adventuring in Montana with her dachshund Nala.


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