Welcome to the 30th Annual APRIL CONFERENCE 

The Magic of Photos and Web-based Storytelling to Raise Rural IL Awareness

Rayna Sage and Lillie Greiman


Session Overview:

Are you interested in learning about new tools for helping your CIL tell your story? Come to this session to learn about Photovoice (an interactive way to gather and weave together images and stories around an issue or needed change) and StoryMaps (a free and accessible web-based resource for making webpages that can incorporate photos, audio, text, and mapping). Attendees will leave with hands-on tools they can implement at their CIL.

Additional Materials for This Session:


About Your Presenters:

Rayna Sage (she/her)

Rayna Sage, PhD, is a researcher at Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities. Since 2016, she has worked on and directed several participatory research projects related to promoting community engagement and health among people with disabilities with the purpose of elevating the voices and needs of people with disabilities. She grew up in rural Northern Idaho, the daughter of a timber faller and is passionate about the well-being of rural communities and the people who live in them.


Lillie Greiman (she/her)

Lillie Greiman works as a Project Director at the Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities (RTC:Rural) and has been with the center since 2012. She works across numerous projects with partners across the country and is passionate about the collaborative work the RTC:Rural does to improve the lives of people with disabilities in rural communities. Her focus areas are: housing, community participation, rural community development and spatial and demographic analysis. She’s originally from Helena, MT but has lived in Missoula for over 15 years where she attended the university and earned her MA in geography.

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