Welcome to the 30th Annual APRIL CONFERENCE 

Better Together! How to Standardize Home Modification Programming Among CILs

Carolyn Sithong, Home for Life Design


Session Overview:

According to a NCIL survey, 70% of CILs offer home modification services, however each CIL differs in how homes are assessed to determine eligibility and scope of work.

Learn how CILs in Florida are unifying efforts in service delivery by standardizing home modification programming utilizing home assessment technology. Understand how client-centric modification solutions based on the consumer’s daily lifestyle link to safety and accessibility in the home and how this assessment process impacts outcome measures and helps to establish consistency amongst various programs.


Additional Materials for This Session:


About Your Presenter:


Carolyn Sithong

Carolyn has over 20 years of experience as a clinical, educational and community-based occupational therapist with award winning practices. She is specially certified in the area of environmental modifications (SCEM) by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Carolyn has been awarded “CAPS Designee of the Year” by the National Association of Home Builders and named on the roster of fellows at AOTA for her role in advocacy and leadership.

She has spear headed aging in place initiatives and home modification programming for local, state and national organizations that support healthy environments for the aging community. She has served the Florida Department of Elder Affairs, The Florida Association of Centers for Independent Living, NC Statewide Independent Living Council, AARP, National Rebuilding Together, Home Depot and AOTA, with her expertise in the home modification area. She is the current CEO of Home for Life Design.

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