Welcome to the 30th Annual APRIL CONFERENCE 

The Art of Engagement in Latina Farm Worker Communities

Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez


Session Overview:

This interactive session will investigate utilizing popular education theater techniques education for use in conducting training and outreach with under-served and mobile populations. This session will cover cultural considerations that may help decrease barriers and improve the effectiveness of bringing the educational message to Migrant Farm Workers and other underserved populations. This presentation will present information based upon direct experience from presenting health and disability education to farm workers and farm worker service providers through the National and Indiana AgrAbility programs.


Additional Materials for this Session:


About Your Presenter:

Kimber Nicoletti-Martinez 

Kimber J. Nicoletti-Martinez, MSW, LCSW, serves as the Latinx Farm Worker Outreach Coordinator for both the National and Indiana AgrAbility projects and is the Founder/Director of Multicultural Efforts to end Sexual Assault (MESA) at Purdue University. Ms. Nicoletti-Martinez has been an advocate for Latinx immigrant and farm worker communities for more than 25 years. Ms. Nicoletti-Martinez was named National Social Worker of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers in 2018 and was awarded the 2017 Indiana Social Worker of the Year by the National Association of Social Workers-Indiana Chapter. She was the recipient of the 2021 Jefferson Award for Outstanding Public Service by the Multiplying Good Foundation. She is a licensed clinical social worker in Indiana. Kimber completed a B.A. (96) in Sociology at Purdue University and completed her master’s degree (98) in Social Work at Indiana University. Kimber was recently recognized by the Indiana Commission on Hispanic/Latino Affairs and was the recipient of the L.U.P.E. award (Leadership, Unity, Professionalism, and Excellence). Kimber has over 20 years of experience in using art and theater to engage underserved communities through visual and theater art.


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