APRIL Logo with the words, "The United Voice  of Independent Living in Rural America."



Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights

On July 8, 2022 DOT published the first-ever Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights.

The Airline Passengers with Disabilities Bill of Rights, an easy-to-use summary of the fundamental rights of air travelers with disabilities under the Air Carrier Access Act, will empower air travelers with disabilities to understand and assert their rights, and help ensure that U.S. and foreign air carriers and their contractors uphold those rights. 

It was developed using feedback from the Air Carrier Access Act Advisory Committee, which includes representatives of passengers with disabilities, national disability organizations, air carriers, airport operators, contractor service providers, aircraft manufacturers, wheelchair manufactures, and a national veterans organization representing disabled veterans. The Bill of Rights provides a convenient, easy-to-use summary of existing law governing the rights of air travelers with disabilities.

July 8, 2022


Let’s Talk About Transportation


Joan O’Keefe, Melva Heinrich

A summary of what’s going on in transportation policy

Examples of existing CIL transportation programs

Creative funding and getting them off the ground

Tips for success and lessons learned on making transportation programs meaningful


 The Importance of Rural Transportation to People with Disabilities: Reauthorization of Transportation Act


James Corless, Tim Sheehan, Alexandra Enders

The Importance of Rural Transportation to People with Disabilities

An Update on Reauthorization of the Transportation Act

Get an update on where we are on the reauthorization of the Transportation Act in 2011-12.  Are we looking at a 2 or 6 year bill or an extension?

Hear what parts of the current law are working in Rural America, what needs to be changed and how.

Ideas for filling gaps in accessible transportation-proposed consolidation of 5310, 5316 (JARC), 5317 (New Freedom) Grant Programs. 

Accessible vs. Available-What’s the difference?

Share ideas and experiences from a rural CIL perspective.


Policy Brief:  Filling the Gaps in Accessible Transportation

 Fact Sheet: Transportation's Section 5310: Where are we Going?

Fact Sheet definitions - What is Accessible V8

These are the links for the TRB report: Rural Transit Achievements: Assessing the Outcomes of   Increased Funding for Rural Passenger Services Under SAFETEA-LU   

 Position papers: 

APRIL Annual Conference


Using Volunteer Drivers to Provide Transportation Drivers to Provide Transportation Options for Persons with Disabilities in Rural Areas 

Bobbi Hegna and Kyle Kleist

Does your ILC provide services in a rural area where there are limited transportation options? If so, learn how your ILC can develop a transportation program using volunteer drivers to meet the transportation needs of persons with disabilities and other transit dependent persons. Almost 20 years ago the Center for Independent Living for Western Wisconsin developed the New Freedom Transportation Program to program to assist persons with disabilities who had unmet transportation needs in our service area. Learn how the program was developed, how it's funded, recruiting volunteer drivers and training them, and developing a collaboration with other agencies that provide or fund transportation programs in rural areas.




ADA Complaint Process for Transportation: Tips for Riders and CILs

Ken Thompson

For transportation, the ADA complaint process requires that customer complaints and concerns be resolved quickly and fairly. ADA regulations at 49 CFR Part 37.17 and 27.13 require agencies to have specific procedures in place to address complaints
alleging ADA violations. The regulations also require a designated responsible employee to manage the overall process.

Key Points
• Complaint procedures that provide for prompt and equitable resolution
• Maintain a copy of all complaints of ADA noncompliance for 1 year
• Maintain a record (summary) of all complaints for 5 years